Interior Drainage Tile
This is where we shine as a company.
Between our team members we have successfully installed many interior systems since 2010 with 100% effectiveness.
Interior Drainage tiles are designed to alleviate static pressure under the foundation and to redirect unwanted water away from the home via the floor drain, sump pump or drain line that may occur from damaged or crack foundations walls, stone walls, block walls or ground water entering the key slot of the foundation.
By installing Total’s Water Defensive System from the inside, you save having the foundation dug from the exterior, money and are left with a neat professional job at a fraction of the cost.
The Main benefit of an interior system is a yard saved from excavation.
A dry basement at a fraction of the cost of an exterior drain tile replacement.
You are able to start putting your basement dream into action the very next day after the repair. We can also help with that.
How it’s done
We start off by breaking away and removing the concrete, dirt and whatever else we may run into from the inside the perimeter of the foundation. This process usually takes one to two days depending on what is in the way and how difficult the concrete is to remove.
Once the concrete and debris is removed we then lay 4’ solid perforated pipe the whole inside perimeter (or the affected area if not a complete drain system), and properly level the pipe towards whichever discharge system is installed (floor drain, sump pump, drain line, etc.)
Once everything is leveled we then bring in clean drainage stone and surround the pipe with it. Next we install the membrane to either the full height of the foundation or whichever is needed. The membrane is securely fastened against the wall and is easily malleable to get around objects that are unmovable.
It is then draped down to the drainage stone so it sits on top. This allows any unwanted water coming in through the walls to easily drain into the drain tile. The membrane does not only catch any unwanted water it also provides a dead air space which gives you an added R5 value. The last step is to cement over our drain system.
After the job is complete you can easily stud and drywall over the membrane and why not? You now have a beautiful warm dry basement and tons of added value to your home!